Eight Essential Steps to Conceiving a Baby Naturally
Exercise – choose something you love, or at least find easy, and which fits into your schedule, or you’ll never do it. Twenty minutes a day of constant regular movement is ideal. You need to get your heart rate up for it to make a difference. Try incorporating at least 3 days a week of exercise if you’re just starting out. Choose days of the week and times that will work best for you and if it’s not working, rather than saying ‘Exercise doesn’t work for me’, change it and experiment with another day/timeslot. If you’re getting stiff achy muscles, try some magnesium – if you already take it maybe take extra, but read the product directions first. Magnesium is required in 22 body functions. It helps people cope with general stress levels, reduces muscular aches and pains, and awesomely, will also reduce sugar cravings – particularly if you’re prone to these after lunch. Exercise is so important as it gets the ‘Happy Hormones’ – endorphins, pumping round the body. These are vital for a sense of well-being, and for some people endorphins are essential for their mental balance.
Conception multivitamins – make sure you have a good quality daily multi-vitamin that includes Folic Acid. This is because a foetus requires Folic acid for healthy spine development which helps avoid spina bifida. If you suddenly find you’re pregnant and haven’t been taking this supplement, don’t panic, just start taking it.
Water– this goes without saying these days. Ensure you’re having 1-2 litres a day. I say 1 to 2 litres which may seem like a broad range, but some drink more water than others, as they may typically feel more thirsty, or perspire more. Also, don’t go overboard and overwork your kidneys. There is such a thing as drinking too much water and needing to be hospitalised because of it!
Positive people – ensure you expose yourself only to those around you who support you and have positive things to say. This may mean seeing close family less, or alternatively stick strictly to ‘safe’ conversation topics that aren’t controversial or trigger you. If people are full of ‘advice’ a great response to use is ‘That’s interesting’. It gets you out of trouble and you don’t need to say whether you agree or not, or whether you will take a recommended course of action or not, and the person will feel heard.
Self-talk – become aware of what you say to yourself in your head… are you speaking kindly to yourself? Keep that voice kind and brush away the comments that you immediately detect are negative, critical or unhelpful. In fact if you catch yourself doing this, try and immediately replace that unhelpful thought with a beautiful image of you holding your new baby in your arms.
Moderation – drink tea, coffee and alcohol in moderation. What’s moderation you might ask? 1 to 3 cups of tea or coffee a day is sufficient. A bottle of wine a night is not moderation. The reason to moderate your intake of these is because they have a diuretic action on the body. Diuretic means you pee out lots of fluid, and your cells cannot be expected to function at 100% if they’re dehydrated.
Eat well – ensure you’re eating three healthy meals a day. Ditch any shakes or rigorous diet regimes as these can leave you depleted of a healthy balance of vitamins and minerals. Three meals a day, even 4 smaller meals, are essential, and your body will relax in the knowledge that a regular stream of energy is available for all your body functions. Endeavour to maintain a healthy weight as in the fertility world being overweight is generally considered as being counterproductive for successful conception.
Open mind – consider natural and healthy approaches. I incorporated acupuncture and hypnosis in my IVF journey and I strongly believe these things contributed to our successful first-time embryo transfer. One deals with the energy of the body, and the other with the energy of the mind. We are energy beings and maintaining positive energy is vital for a successful system and living a healthy human life.
Hypnosis for Fertility, also called Hypnofertility, or Fertility hypnosis, is something I have chosen to specialise in, not only because of my own personal successful experience, but also for clients who have worked with me and now have their own baby’s. In 2018 for example, I had a 100% success rate with Fertility hypnotherapy. Last year, a client who experienced 5 miscarriages, who had never managed to get past the 5-week mark in pregnancy, for the first time ever, successfully surpassed week five and credits hypnosis as the critical factor that contributed to this result. That’s what makes me excited about my work. This year, 2021, two new Hypnosis for Fertility Mummies are due, one has actually just delivered her deeply desired bub , and the other is due shortly. It’s truly exciting and rewarding to be involved in these great results.
If you would like more information on how hypnosis can help in your conception journey, or to book with me, phone 0401 091 241. I provide Hypnosis for Fertility in person in Brisbane, and also remotely, via Zoom, Skype or Facetime Messenger.